
Google Sheets Export - Not Exporting Segment or Filters

TomScogg 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 3


I've been using the Google Sheets Export option for the first time and I've noticed it does not include the segment i have applied or the filters that I've set in the report when I paste over to Google Sheets

Is something broken or have I not exported it correctly?




Good catch! I fixed it, and at the same time I found that some segment IDs listed in the GA interface do not actually match the reporting API segment ids.

For example, All Users in the GA interface is "builtin1" and corresponds to "gaid::-1" in the reporting API, which is easy to handle. But Bounced Sessions is "builtin27" in the GA interface, but is "gaid::-19" for the reporting API... go figure!

This will be fixed in the next release, coming up April 5th.


Good catch! I fixed it, and at the same time I found that some segment IDs listed in the GA interface do not actually match the reporting API segment ids.

For example, All Users in the GA interface is "builtin1" and corresponds to "gaid::-1" in the reporting API, which is easy to handle. But Bounced Sessions is "builtin27" in the GA interface, but is "gaid::-19" for the reporting API... go figure!

This will be fixed in the next release, coming up April 5th.